Monday, November 24, 2008

The sockmonkeys have been busy. Busy making strawberry jam! Well, actually mostly they supervised and made sure that no lint got in there. It was so enjoyable that tomorrow I'm going searching at the op shops for more small jars so we can try making Strawberry Apple jam.

New additions to the orphanage (except the green guy, he's just helping them settle in)

It's taken me 5 goes at making a box the right size and design for my tiny cakes. I was trying to make a proper cake box with a cellophane cut-out in the lid, but I just couldn't get it to work, and it was taking up way too much carboard. So I just went with this simple design. It will have cellophane wrapped over the top and that will keep the sides together. I didn't want to use glue if I could possibly avoid it. I've even got little paper doillies to put the cakes on. :) I think I will just do 2 flavours. Vanilla Delicious and Neapolitan. I was planning to make Choc-o-mint as well, but space limitation means I've decided to only make 6 cakes. So if you want one you'll have to get in quick!

Now I probably have too much stuff for Kraftbomb. So I'm hoping like crazy that there will be a Craftwerk before Christmas! Yikes!

1 comment:

Bronwyn Mason said...

My cake was DELISH and so is the jam!