Sunday, November 16, 2008

Order Vs Chaos

The problem with having multiple hobbies, especially multiple crafty hobbies, is space. Or more specificly, the space the mess consumes. This is my lounge just before the August Craftwerk.

Notice the trail of distruction from sewing table to coffee table to dining table.

I have spent my friday night and sunday morning having a go at the Zen Art of Furniture Arrangement. Now the room no longer works as a whole, but I do have a dedicated T.V-and-lounging-with-Himself nook. (Himself loves it) The idea is that we can retreat into a corner of the room that is not overwhelmed with chaos. (yes the monkeys have taken over the couch already).

An added bonus of this furniture shuffling is that I can extend my rescued oak table to it's full length. (rescued from Salvation Army and lavished with hours of sanding/gluing/re-varnishing). Hurrah! Sewing at one end! Dinner at the other! Papercrafts at formica table! etc.

I think really I've just piled a lot of furniture into the middle of the room.
This is the kind of procrastination that consumes me when I know I should be attending to monkey business.
Coming later this evening: actual crafty stuff! Like my lego jewellery.

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