Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Okie Dokie. Recent months have been productive. (I work much better when I don't have a deadline looming. ) But it's only in the last few days that I've gotten around to photographing the results.
It kind of started when I bought myself some Lego. As a kid I always wanted Lego. But like many families in the low income bracket, my parents refused to buy me any because it was too expensive. So I used to go downstairs and play with my neighbour's Lego. It only took me until I was 29 to get some of my own. It's still pretty expensive. Oh those precious Lego blocks!
Then I figured that if it's so easy to chew them out of shape, maybe I could melt a small hole in one and attatch a jump ring. First came brooches.....
...then some pendants on some leftover necklaces from another project.....
.... then some earrings, which I think are probably my favourite. Then.....

....more necklaces, this time on waxed cord with knot and loop closures. I like them because they speak the language of precious greenstone. And because it's one of the few things I can wear around my neck with my eczema. I probably would have put them on silver chains for the sake of other people, but the store had run out.

I don't want to make too many because I don't want to decimate my precious Lego supply. I did buy extra white blocks off Trademe a while back though. I blame William Gibson for putting it in one of his books.

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