Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Brown paper packages tied up with string...

.. these are a few of my favourite things! Before the last Craftwerk I went a little crazy making recycled paper gift bows. I don't know what it is about them that made me make them so obsessively. Probably I just like to play with craft knives. I sold hardly any. I guess no one wants mine when you can get shiny $2 shop ones for cheap. I might take a few to the next markets and then hang the rest on the christmas tree.
I was asked if I could make fabric ones and turn them into brooches. I had a go at it, but they are really fiddly and time consuming. Just not as satisfying to make as the paper ones. And they are all floppy! My 3 prototypes will be up for sale at the next Kraftbomb. (the green one was the first, so it's a little bung).

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