Thursday, March 29, 2012

Making and Doing

Just doodling around with photoshop. When I was supposed to be posting this.

Very bored with my thermal curtains, I found this nice trim at the fabulous Geoff's Emporium. The curtains are very large and dark, and have come to dominate the room when I draw them at night. The trim helps a little (and the green matches the old bit of carpet I had overlocked to make a rug).

While I was loading the photos onto the 'puter, I found a whole bunch of photos on the memory stick. Stuff I can't remember if I've blogged about...
Soy Candles I made at christmas time, for presents etc. And by etc, I mean myself! I bloody love the smell of the Ecoya French Pear soy candles, but no way can I afford $50 for a nice large one in a glass jar. Fortunately, I can make my own with supplies from HERE. Their "french pear" fragrance smells exactly the same as the ecoya one. Soy wax has a lower melting point than parrafin or beeswax, and is cleaner burning. The fragrance "throw" is much better too.

Valentines day last year, I made this for Himself. Potato chip bouquet, with a large Toblerone stem.
My classic "perfect bag". I've made about 4 for myself and worn them out, 2 for a friend and 2 for my mum (both their first ones wore out too) and made at least a few others for various people. I'm not currently using mine, as the leather one from a few posts ago is in daily use. If I could make one of these in leather I would. Seriously considering getting into leatherwork just so I can!

Funny, just when I say I've stopped making stuff, I find all these photos!

In other news, the plum wine had a miss-fire at the start. First lot of yeast didn't make a go of it. Luckily the second lot seems to be working. First lot I just chucked in the barrel (it's what the instructions on the pack said to do!). The second lot I made a starter in the hot water cupboard. Think I've learned my lesson! Wine has been delayed about a week.

If you were wondering how the lack of drinking is going, well, I stayed up until 5.30am on Saturday night (Himself was DJ-ing), got up at 11am, and offered to work a couple of hours for a friend who had been up all night with me, but working on the bar. It worked out well all round! I did not get grumpy, actually woke up feeling good!
My other big change has been cutting right down on bread. Seems to have made me crave sugar a lot more though. Have not lost ANY weight. Sigh. Still have exzema on my fingers, so a month off the booze hasn't helped that yet. Definitely need a more concerted effort!

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