Monday, March 19, 2012

Breaking Habits

This is one of my coffee grinders. It hasn't seen a lot of action lately.
I got sick a few weeks ago. Just your average cold but with a bit of an upset tummy. So I thought it best if I didn't have coffee for a day or two. Not so hard to go 2 days without coffee if you are barely able to leave your bed anyway! But on day 3, I started to think maybe me and coffee should take a bit of a longer break. So I started drinking tea instead. It was only when I found myself NOT desperately thinking "Oh my god, I NEED a tea!", that I realized what an addiction coffee was for me.
I'm not a person who goes out much for coffee any more, I haven't been for a few years, can't afford that sort of thing on a regular basis. But with a coffee machine at work, with $1 coffees, it's easy to find myself having 2 a day in addition to the plunger or stovetop espresso I had for breakfast. I had a hard time dealing with the american coffee situation when we went to the states, (I can see now why they all think starbucks is so great compared to a lot of what's on offer).
I am also a person who really struggles to get out of bed in the mornings. When I do manage to get up, it's usually to get as far as the kitchen to make coffee before plonking down on the couch and staring into space while my brain attempts to get into gear for the next 15 minutes or so, while I drink my coffee.
I'd come to believe that I MUST HAVE COFFEE in order to function. Which is obviously a ridiculous notion. It makes me cringe to think of all those bourgeois stereotypes - "oh darling, I couldn't possibly manage without first having my cup of coffee!" I'm not one of "those" people, am I?
Well anyway, I went 19 days without coffee. On day 19, I thought to myself, "I think I'd fancy a coffee." Because I hadn't thought "I NEED a coffee", I had one. It was really delicious. I sat down and drank it, rather than walking around drinking it while doing other things. I savoured it. It was delightful. It was a treat!
Now, if I can just hang on to that feeling!

Coincidentally, it's been 3 weeks since I consumed any alcohol. I think I'll stay off the sauce for a while. The hangovers were getting ridiculous! But speaking of sauce, I've got some black doris plums in the fermenter. About to add the yeast to start turning them into wine! I'll go for a sweet wine this time, as I don't think I put enough sugar in for the feijoa wine last year. One of the batches came out very dry. The SG on the plums (1.7kg plums + 1 kg sugar) is 1.110, which should theoretically put it in the dessert wine range. Here's hoping!

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