Monday, December 15, 2008

What I've been up to.

Retail therapy ahoy!

As usual, christmas means an excuse to buy myself presents! And other people of course. :)

The gleanings of my Craftwerk excursion:
The diary (top right) wasn't my first choice, but while I went to get change, the lovely pale green print that I wanted got snapped up. You'd think I would have learned by now wouldn't you? :)
Ninja xmas tag/tree decoration by R.W.Scissors. Labels and notepad by Nut and Bee.
Croissant earrings by R.W.Scissors.
Bobbin earrings from Toggle stall.
Pencils from Jellybones.

I made experimental chocolate coconut truffles last week. They are WAY too much work to make on a regular basis! They are also incredibly rich and will make you feel sick if you lick the leftovers too much.

I designed myself a Christmas Wreath of pohutukawa and fantails, but when I printed it out on A4 it was kind of dinky looking. I really need to get it printed on A3 card. In the meantime I turned the image into cards and tags. :)

And finally, these are my secret books, which I have been meaning to photograph for ages. One day soon I'd like to make a giant one, from an encyclopedia or something. For really big secrets!

P.S ~ I had my strawberry apple jam on scones with cream for Sunday lunch. YUM!


Alida said...

That chocolate coconut truffle thing looks goooood. Oh now I need sweet stuff!

Bronwyn Mason said...

Yay thanks for the pics (and for buying the croissants + ninja)! That bobbin jewellery is neat eh.

Bronwyn Mason said...

Oh, and I have some books for you. You can have the outsides and I can have the insides! :)