Saturday, December 6, 2008

Accidents with scissors.

Sock Monkey Orphanage will not be at Craftwerk this time, as our application was not accepted. (But I will still be there doing my christmas shopping!) Poor little monkeys. I've seen someone else selling monkeys, so maybe that's why. We wouldn't want the place to be over-run with monkeys! That's why we neuter them! :) We'll still be at Kraftbomb on the 22nd though!

New addition: Uncle Charlie, he is rather large is comparison to the others, as you can see! I'm not sure if I can give him up!

In other news.... I has a new camera! Small and dinky and able to be squirreled away in my purse! So I had to try taking one of those "myspace" photos that all the kids are shooting these days...
Yes? No? I'm not sure I have the hang of it. I also has new haircut, thanks to a small episode with the scissors when I got out of the shower on monday. Shouldn't leave monkey tools lying around like that! So dangerous!!!


Bronwyn Mason said...

Oh dang! Bummer. Good accident though! :D And new camera, score. I think you almost have the MySpaz portrait down... have you considered the head tilt & 50-50 scowl 'n' pout? I've always found that most effective.

Bronwyn Mason said...

PS: I have a photo of tiny cake; will email you :)