Thursday, December 18, 2008


I just made some gingerbread cakes. I put some leftover batter into muffin tins. The darn things wouldn't come out! The tops broke off, leaving the stumps behind. :( Which is funny :) because last night or the night before I was watching a Seinfeld re-run in which Elaine has a thing about muffin tops, and doesn't eat the stumps. Someone ends up opening a "muffin top" store, but then they can't get rid of all the stumps... hilarity ensues (but no too much, because it is Seinfeld after all).

I also just made chocolate christmas trees with M&M baubles, with greater success, though some of them look a little developmentally retarded.

More monkeys also. Thank goodness the monkey breeding season is almost over. The Orphange can't take many more!


Bronwyn Mason said...

Mmm... developmentally retarded... I mean, mmm... cakes. Are you going to sell them on Sunday? Also, I need to buy more jam, I finished mine in about 2 days XD
PS: We waved at you from the car today but you *totes* snobbed us. Your sock monkeys always say hi, jeez! :(|) <--- (monkey face)

yvon malice said...

Heheheh! I walk along in my own little bubble I guess. :)
I like monkey face :(l)