Sunday, February 23, 2014

Separation of Church and State.

Right then. I've had to start a separate blog for my fiction scribblings.

I couldn't figure out how to preserve formatting when I copy/paste to blogger, and space is very important to me. So I've got a Wordpress blog now.

Cease Upon The Midnight

No more interrupting Sockmonkey Orphanage with nonsensical ramblings.

Well, no more than usual, and no more combing through a bit of writing to insert paragraph breaks and line breaks. The orphanage returns to the realm of reality based drivel. YAY!

In house related news, I got a quote to get the roof re-ironed. OUCH. But family have kindly offered an inetrest-free loan to help me out. So I guess I'll be climbing a little further into the debt hole.
Still daydeaming about painting a mural on the garage doors.

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