Friday, February 14, 2014

Bit Of Writing. (Not house related for a change)

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Somewhere Between.

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It's not a loveseat.
Of course the term makes him uncomfortable. He wishes it had never been referred to as such.

It's just a two-seater sofa.

A two-seater, in front of the telly, in the small basement flat he shares.

It is, at least, comfortable. If small.

It's worn fabric has cradled other bodies, before theirs.
Sun faded, to the colour of a ghost's eyes. It's previous rich denim-blue, still visible under the cushions.

Wide arms for elbows and hands. Precarious cups of tea, never yet spilled.

It fills the space available, which isn't much. Almost seems dwarfed by the flat screen TV opposite, and the ottoman where they rest their feet and newspapers.

At first hesitant, they circled each other in this tiny space. Learning to gauge the exact presence of the other. Positions and angles of limbs. Reactions smoothing out.

Within days they had developed the rhythm. An easy dance. Pressing against each other in passing, The kitchenette their ballroom. Slippers and socks, their dancing shoes.

So quickly they slipped into each others pockets. Until small touches were the braille they used to read each others moods. Blind to the development of the secret language between them.

Evenings and lazy Sundays spent, thigh pressed to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. A hug without an embrace. Clinging to each other without realization, as they both navigate a world populated by ghosts.

Getting a bigger sofa, is never, ever, mentioned.

* * * * *

I'll be honest. It's a fan fic. But you will have to guess the fandom, and the characters if you are so inclined. I posted it because I thought it might just possibly work as a stand-alone piece? There are probably still a few lines that don't have the resonance they should, without a knowledge of character history. But, meh.

I've been spending long hours writing lately (though not in my blog!), and reading. The great thing, is that it doesn't cost any money. Which I am supposed to be saving to get the roof done. So, in a way, this is actually me working on the house! Bit anti-social though. Especially since this is the first piece I've let any of my friends even see.

Yeah, sorry about that.

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