Monday, June 24, 2013

On the level.

Up early this morning. This is what 7.30am looks like. The frost was beautiful. I was preparing for the arrival of the house lifters at 8.30am. The sun came over the hill just on 9am, so now I know for sure that the hill across the valley doesn't stop very much of my sun. Right now I'm looking out the window at a little rabbit munching it's way through the roadside grass. A fantail is flitting back and forth between the camellias in the side yard. Jonquils have popped up everywhere. I went for a walk to pick some last week, and got an almighty fright, when I scared a pheasant into flight about 2 feet from my head.

By 12.30 the house was level, (or as level as it will get). Good work boys! It's up on blocks, and this weekend we start doing the piles. It's bloody amazing that something that could have taken us weeks, could get done in 4 hours. The house rattles a bit when you walk at the moment, since in some places the house isn't meeting the piles anymore.

I slept in front of the fire last night. Luxury! And made butter chicken soup for tea. But the microwave went bang when I tried to heat it up for lunch. Oh well, can't win them all.

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