Sunday, January 25, 2009


I've made a mean vegan pie for vegan pie-fest tomorrow. One of my favourite pies is a creamy chicken and mushroom pie, so I was trying to figure out something in a similar vein.
Mushroom and Onion Miso Pie.
-Vegan Flakey Pastry (New Way or whatever)
-Olivani (or other vegan margarine)
-Miso paste
-flour (about 2 tablespoons)
-Black Pepper
-boiling water
(no quantities because it depends how big your pie dish is)

Slice up your onions and mushrooms. I used 4 smallish onions and about 18 medium-large white button mushrooms because they were on special. Melt some olivani and fry them up in it. Just until the onion is starting to go golden brown. Then strain out the liquid if there is a lot. Maybe keep it for stock if you like. Line your pie dish with pastry, poke it lots with a fork, and bung it in a 180C oven until it's starting to colour. (this is to stop the bottom from getting soggy). It will puff up, but you can press it down again. If you're fancy you can use pie weights to hold it down.
I use quite a shallow dish and make a thin pie. Now for the creamy sauce!
Make up about a cup of miso, maybe a cup and a half, using about a tablespoon of miso paste and boiling water. (depends how strongly flavoured you want your sauce)
Now we're going to make a kind of a vegan white sauce.
In a saucepan melt some olivani, about 2 heaped tablespoons I guess. Once it's well melted, chuck in a heaped tablespoon of flour and stir vigourously with a wooden spoon until smooth (it might go quite solid but don't worry). Add a little miso to thin it down and keep stirring until smooth. Add another tablespoon of flour and stir until smooth. (Basicly you are cooking off the flour as you go). Then add a little more miso, stir until smooth, keep adding the miso bit by bit until you have a sauce that is like a slightly thick pale gravy. Now add black pepper to taste. Mix the sauce into the mushrooms and onions. Fill the pie shell. (if the mix looks too runny, use a slotted spoon so you leave some of the sauce behind). Cut some pastry into strips and lay a criss-cross pattern on top of the pie. Brush the top with some oil, or the mushroom stock that's left over from cooking. Bung it in the oven on 180C until the top is golden. Let it cool a bit before cutting it.
It is delicious cold. Mmmmmm..... picinic!

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