Sunday, March 17, 2013

The side-of-the-road house.

Tomorrow is the day I gain a house and a mortgage. Just like a real grown up.

The last few weeks have been spent scrambling around for second-hand furnishings and bargains. My boyfriend is calling it my "side-of-the-road" house, because of my tendency to pick things up off the side of the road. Today I picked up this on Trademe:

At $1.50, it was hard to resist! It was the original basin out of a house built in the 1930's, so not far off the era of my house.
The bathroom at the house is in a rather sorry state. Needs a new shower installed at the very least, and has peeling wallpaper. I'm planning to take a set of "before" photos when we get there tomorrow. I have traded a few bourbon and cokes for a 4 litre can of "very light blue" paint, that i will use for an initial coat over the dark blue walls in the lounge. Later I can decide what the top coat will be.

I also picked up another very important item on Trademe.
Must be able to make the workers a cuppa!

Other second-hand items acquired:
JVC stereo amp $24 (to go with speakers I already have in storage)
Design Mobel mattresses, 1 Queen sized and one King sized. $150
Bedding and towels - hand-me-downs
Kambrook mini oven. $20
Tv 14 inch (old CRT) - hand-me-down.
Kitchen chairs - side of the road
Spouting and some roof iron - kindly donated.

I'm also getting Mum and Dad's old stove. It's been sitting in the shed for a year or two, and I think two of the elements need new thermostats, but it will certainly be better than the dodgy one that's currently in the kitchen. Could be a while before I can get it installed though. So gas 2 burner in the meantime.

More updates as they come to hand.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Yvon this is so cool! It's so exciting that you got a house.

ps. sweet basin. bargain for $1.50.