Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween & paper mache

Halloween is THE season of paper mach I reckon. I think I'll plan to make something each year from now on!
Skully was my first attempt at paper mache in about 25 years. I always thought I wouldn't have the patience for it. But it turns out that glue is addictive. And a skull is a relatively easy shape. I am half was through making a pinata, which I think is going to be a duck, eventually.

I also tried to make a haunted house for halloween, out of the box my laptop came in. More like a slightly haunted facade. But it was a fun way to while away an afternoon! Reminds me more of the NZ movie "The Locals" than any real classic horrors. It's lit with christmas lights. Why is it that I always need Christmas lights in the middle of the year when they are either awefully expensive or nowhere to be found?

I wish I'd had the time to make lots of little skulls to form a necklace for my voodoo priest outfit, but I had to make do with bird bones tied to my hat, and a voodoo stick made out of a plastic bone. I'd forgotten how much fun face painting could be!

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