I've just been to see this movie.
It was really good.
I still don't have a new roof. It was supposed to get done at Easter. But the weather refused to co-operate. It's still refusing to co-operate. It will be mid-May at the earliest, weather permitting.
So, while saving my pennies, I'm plotting. Garden plotting, and fiction plotting. Including a possible story about my house. So that will be .... interesting? Difficult? Odd? I've been looking at doing this thing called NaNoWriMo, which is a thing where you write a novel in a month. Well, 50,000 words anyway. Seems nigh on impossible to me, but people do it! 1666 words a day. Freaky. The main event is in the month of November, but there's a sort of mini one in July, so maybe I'll give that a go as a warm up.
Some of my stolen hedge has survived. Some of it hasn't. (well, not "stolen", just reclaimed). Lucky I put a few plants in pots for just such an eventuality. One of my feijoa trees is doing well and has fruit, but the other suffered from some sort of disease and had to be sprayed. No fruit on that one. The lime tree is doing well in it's pot, 3 fruit! And the mandarin tree has a single mandarin on it. It will probably be heartbreaking when the frosts come and I see what survives and what doesn't.
By the way, I built this bench seat.
I think it's pretty good.
That is all.