This is the carport. The much less leaky carport. Clever uncle Phil works in a timber mill, where they use these giant sanding...belts? I guess you'd call them? So he was able to grab some used ones that were going to be thrown out. They have a sort of rubber backing. He sort of stapled them to the carport roof. Ta-da! Now there are only one or two bits where it leaks, where the belts overlap. Much better working conditions for power tools now. (Don't look at me like that! It's only temporary!)
Also forgot to mention my other uncles genius idea. Getting bits of tin out of a scrap bin..... order to patch some of the bad holes in the weatherboards! This resulted in at least one pair of birds being ejected from their nesting site. Unfortunately not the very noisy stomp-y ones in the roof over my bedroom.
I knocked together a seat for the kitchen out of bits and pieces too.
In garden news...
Started picking my lettuce and spinach already! And those tomato plants have flower buds starting on them. Crikey!
When I planted this garden, I kind of forgot I had already planted a tray of various seedlings. Instead of wasting them, I decided to build another garden. Not sure how wise that was.
Here they are all covered in bird netting. Cucumbers, courgettes, more lettuce and more spinach, and more tomatoes.
...and here is the strange frame I made to hold up the netting and for the cucumbers to climb. Will it work? We''ll see. The feijoas have flower buds. I wonder if they will come to fruit? They haven't been in the ground long.
I admit, I've been raiding the green waste dump again! Picked up some bromeliads, succulents, and possibly some kind of dietes? I will have to wait until they flower to find out!