Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Anti Fashion-Consumer Minimalist ?

I don't know what label to put on this idea. I don't even know how to articulate it properly! I guess the general gist of it, is that I realized I had too much stuff quite some time ago. One of the facets of this realisation, was that I kind of stopped making stuff. If you have too much stuff, why make more? Right? Another was that I stopped going op-shopping. The joy of finding a bargain was being crushed by the guilt of the space it would take up, and doubt over if I would really use it, or if I was just kidding myself. Having your possessions condensed down to one room really makes you think! (ok, there are still boxes and furniture stored out in the shed! I admit it!)
But another part of this involved looking at my wardrobe. I would sigh over articles like THIS and THIS thinking how much easier those "what-to-wear" decisions would be if my wardrobe only contained 24 items or 30 items or whatever the magic number was! But it got me thinking.
I'm a jeans and T-shirts girl anyway. My work clothes are usually black jeans/pants and black T-shirts, and my casual wear is not much different. Why did I need a draw full of blue jeans? Hell, most of them were too tight, or worn at the seams anyway! I had a draw full of tops, of which I only wore about a quarter. There were dresses in my wardrobe I had worn once, and never felt comfortable in. (It's not like I ever go anywhere that requires me to dress up beyond the level of jeans with high heels!)
So I packed stuff up that I hadn't worn in ages or didn't quite fit right, and stashed it under my bed. After 6 months I hadn't pulled a single thing out of that bag to wear. So out it all went. "To market to market" to sell a pile of clothes for $2 a piece! It was a relief. Now the hard part. NOT replacing them!

In May last year I went to New York, and I had a plan. Alongside all the sight-seeing, I would shop judiciously. I had in mind some items I knew I would get good wear out of. I would be careful.
Of course it didn't go completely to plan. A heatwave in New York had me buying singlets, my handbag broke and I had to replace it, I caved and bought an expensive pair of high heels. But some things have proved excellent buys. I replaced my old chuck taylors, I bought 3 pairs of levi's in the "juniors" department(now these are my only jeans), and a replacement for my old denim jacket, a pair of Havianas which got good use until I lost them in a stream out in west auckland, even the silk scarf I bought to keep warm that first day in NY has gotten good use (though not in that subsequent NY heatwave!) I bought some Mac make-up, just powder, neutral eyeshadow and an eyebrow pencil. It was a revelation! Lovely stuff! And no skin trouble with it at all! Dior perfume, a black top with rose detail that I keep for "going out".

A lot of what I bought that wasn't "fashion related", was gifts. The only items I haven't gotten good use out of, was my "San Francisco" jacket (how did I not notice that this looks a bit silly unless it's zipped up???) and those high heels I mentioned (there's hope for them yet! I have a wedding to go to soon.)

Now. Compare the photo above to the one below.

These are my fashion purchases since I got back from the USA in June 2011.(8 months ago)
A leather handbag (which I um'd and ah'd over for weeks, and I'm now sooo glad I bought it).
A black cotton embroidered top for work. (a well considered impulse buy, if there is such a thing, since I've worn it almost every week).
A band T-shirt and a pair of socks, purchased this weekend. (the socks to save me from blisters on Saturday night in town).

I also bought a nightie, but I don't think that counts!

I've also scored some freebies. From the lost property box at work, just a couple of T-shirts that I'm not yet sure if I will wear (I'm waiting for winter). And one of my nana's dresses (something to wear to that wedding!)

Sometimes I feel like a bit of a frump, always wearing the same things to work. But the truth is, I'm comfortable in them, getting dressed in the morning is easy, and I actually don't think anyone has noticed! If they have, they haven't said anything about my boring dress code. :-) We all wear black anyway!

On the whole, it's liberating. And I tell you what, the less dressed up you are, the friendlier people are to you! (I always thought it was the other way around, but apparently that's only if you go to snobby places.)