The idea is to start small with some daily haiku's and work up to a few short stories. It's years since I did any serious writing and I'm hoping this will kick-start the juices.
What have I been doing, apart from working much more than I ever intended to?
Playing Settlers of Catan, mostly with the boys but also online. And going to gigs and reading books. I think I've kind of stopped making things because I no longer have anywhere to put anything! I returned from camping at new years to find there wasn't even anywhere to put my tent and inflatable mat anymore! (someone had moved 2 boxes of shoes into the cupboard in my absence!) But on the upside, last month I rearanged the furniture and managed to squeeze my old formica table into my room. Hurrah! I finally have a proper desk again! I hadn't realized just how bad it would be without it until it was gone. It does make one end of my couch almost unusable, but the truth is, that end is covered in clean clothes most of the time anyway. (not enough drawer space!) It seems I've never recovered from moving a flat full of stuff into just two rooms, and then down to one room. Trying to have a bedroom/study/living space in a 5.6m x 3.8m room is almost impossible. Especially with no built in storage! The short hallway outside my room is cluttered with shelves that hold my kitchen goods (and photography equipment!) as the kitchen is too small.
New Years Resolution: Do something about it.
There are 3 options as I see it. Move somewhere bigger. Rent a storage unit. Or downsize my life.
None of these are appealing right now.