Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Decisions Decisions.

July is some way off yet. But that's when I am planning to take my annual holidays. No matter that there is no one to do my job while I am gone! By then it will be 19 months since my last holidays, and it's likely I will be about ready to crack. Unless I actually make plans and book tickets, no one will EVER be trained to cover for me, leaving me trapped forever in a downward spiral of never-ending responsibilities. I'm slowly learning that one must not do their job TOO well, as this only leads to more work with no pay rise in sight. In fact a slight aura of irresponsibility seems to be the best way to avoid being crushed by mounting responsibilities. I think I may need to call in sick sometime in the coming weeks to re-enforce this fact. I am in fact about due for the first cold of the season, so I think when it hits, I will actually take a sick day or two. I usually just keep working and suffer through, but to hell with it, why be a martyr?

So, July. At first I was thinking a little mid-winter sunshine would be the go. New Caledonia? Hawaii even? Asia somewhere? But then I got all fired up about trains again. Auckland to Wellington, catch the ferry, Picton to Christchurch, Christchurch to Greytown and back again. Then probably fly back to Auckland. I have, infact, never been to the South Island. Shameful. But what about the sunshine? I'll need a dose to calm the old S.A.D.
Shame those holiday deals always seem to be twin share. Anyone keen to escape with me?

Maybe I could do both? After all, now I have 4 weeks to fill instead of 3!